5th September 2016 MUSIC VIDEO ANALYSIS (There she goes) https://youtu.be/Ht0GxBFUvNo . Lyrics -http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/sixpencenonethericher/thereshegoes.html - Racing through my brain - Pulsing through my veins When first watching this music video the audience is given an impression of ‘low lives’ those who are hard done by or struggling in life. Drugs can generally have this effect on the life of some people. Eventually getting addicted to it. Through out the video you see that they have not thought about the videography (angles, clothing, tints, and centre of attention. We would generally think that this music video is to do with a ‘love’ song about a girl, but through their clothing and camera angles you can tell it isn’t. It’s actually talking about the use of heroin we can also learn this through the lyrics that are portrayed, “racing through my brain”, giving us a ...