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Digital Distribution/Technologies/Captain america Analysis

Digital distribution has changed its pattern drastically over time, and I am going to discuss how and why.

The music industry consists of the companies and individuals that earn money by creating new songs. In order to release their music to the general public, they perform live concerts. They also publish audio, video recordings, and compositions. Among the many individuals and organizations that operate in the industry are: the songwriters and composers who create new songs and musical pieces; the singers, musicians, conductors and bandleaders who perform the music; the companies and professionals who create and sell recorded music and/or sheet music. The music industry underwent drastic changes with the advent of widespread digital distribution of music via the Internet. A conspicuous indicator of these changes is total music sales: since 2000, sales of recorded music have dropped off substantially while live music has increased in importance. In 2011, the largest recorded music retailer in the world was now a digital, Internet-based platform operated by a computer company: Apple Inc.'s online iTunes Store.

Recording artists generally create recordings, which includes singers, musicians and musical ensembles usually with the assistance and guidance from record producers and audio engineers. They were traditionally made in recording studios in a recording session. In the 21st century, advances in digital recording technology have allowed many producers and artists to create "home studios" using high-end computers and digital recording programs like Protools, bypassing the traditional role of the official recording studio. The record producer oversees all aspects of the recording, making many of the logistic, financial and artistic decisions in cooperation with the artists.
Recording technology has also allowed many consumers to pirate the music and release them to the public for free disrupting the order of music publishing and thus causing publishers to lose a slight amount of revenue.

Before online institutions such as ‘iTunes and Google play’ distributed music, record companies would publish them on vinlys and tapes. This slowly changed by advancing technology. In order for musicians to even sell their music to people they needed to grow a following/fan club. This was generally done by public performance. A great example on public performance was ‘Elvis’.


The digital world that we live in today are the result of many innovations and technology advances. These things contribute to the changing of the world from what it was before to what it is now. It is obvious that the standards of life and education are improved, as well as many other things that includes our needs and wants. Yet, despite all that, the negative impact of this new world filled with new technologies are often overlooked. Negativity has risen from technologies too as many use the internet to conjure hatred. So, called 'meme's' have been created for amusement, but these memes are sometimes quite racist and this creates a chain reaction of hatred and abuse, thus upsetting those who it portrays. Few want to talk about them, and those who do talk about them can't do anything by themselves in such a small number.

This new era of digital innovation that promises a better future sounds good to everyone. The benefits and results are seen everywhere around the world. We now have navigation systems in our cars that can be installed so we won't get lost. Also, computer processed materials make it much faster to access data for companies, and decrease the physical labour needed. Our cell phones are getting more and more fancier all the time, now being able to watch TV and surf the web and have Bluetooth capability. There are numerous technology innovations that contributed to a increased standards of living for our society. Hence making our life easier and better. We all want the latest technology and equipment not only in government agencies and police forces, but also in our homes and at our comfort zones. Slowly making us lazier and lazier. The pursuit for making life easier is the driving force behind our advancements. 

However, this intention comes with a price. The criminal minds that make use of these new technologies. These new technologies are used to commit crimes such as E-Fraud.

According to 

Social Media Deception

Swindlers logged in social media accounts with login names or email addresses and passwords acquired by illegal means. They then posed as the users of these accounts and sent deceptive messages to the users’ friends on the contact lists, requesting them to buy virtual point cards or reload cards on their behalf. They also asked for the serial numbers/authorization codes and passwords on the cards, and then could not be reached after getting such information.

E-Banking Fraud

In recent years, some culprits send suspicious emails to victims to induce them to open the attachments contained.  When the files are opened, the victims’ computers are infected by malicious programs.

Email Scam

Nowadays, email is a common form of communication channel for liaising with relatives and friends as well as commercial partners.  Culprits would hack email accounts and cheat victims by all possible means to make remittances.  Some victims have suffered significant amount of losses in some cases.   Here are some common scenarios:

The digital divide has in many ways segregated the people with access and people without access to an unprecedented level. People in many parts of the world lack the resources to follow the new digital world they are aliened in many ways.


In this brief essay I will be discussing the production budgets/statistics of Captain America Civil War.
Marvel Cinematic Universe, widely knows as MCU, had a budget of $250M to make a film portraying a civil war between captain america and the rest of his 'team'. I quote team, as they are no longer shown as a team, due petty issues arising and the fact that some do not want to be put into line.

From first impressions it seems that the Producers are widely aiming at a variety of audiences. Both youths and adults. This is as many adults grew up reading the Marvel Comics, thus aiming it towards them to have both a sentimental feeling and a nostalgic feeling. But it is too aimed at youths and many children and teens are 'in love' with super heroes. Who isn't? So by aiming at a wide audience they are able to make back the money they go and spend on the movie and distribution. Some movies are even able to make it all back in the opening week. According to Forbes and wikipedia, Captain was able to earn back the money they spent on producing the movie plus more. It made a Total of $1.153Billion in Box Office. They are within 25 films at the time that were able to pass $1Billion. A great milestone.

They are able to make this much money very quickly as their audience grows like a wildfire. This being as they have returning audiences from their previous movies. Many return as the movies are all Leading to a killer movie that is yet to come and thus all the movies lead up to it. This all started with Iron Man all the way back in 2008


  1. Okay, good start you need to focus more now on the way that the industry has changed and the pros / cons of digital distribution. Focus on audience and institutions. Think also of the role of convergence with digital distribution.


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