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Showing posts from March, 2017


QUESTIONS 1.      The BBC closed its online shop this march and no longer directly sell DVD’s or CD’s. What do they sell instead and what is the rationale behind this decision. 2.      How were films released prior to digital distribution? Explain the advantages of digital distribution. 3.      Find 2 recent films shot using film and two shot digitally. What are the pros and cons of each? 4.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital music release? ANSWERS 1.      Merchandise a.      They use their most viewed programs such as “Doctor Who”, “Sherlock Holmes ” and so on. Majority of these programs have such a great following, allowing them to sell merchandise to fans creating a higher revenue rather than selling DVD’s and CD’s. b.      These DVD’s can now be sold by ‘amazon’ and at a lower rate. 2.   ...


FOCUS GROUP WORK             Working with Nabil We decided to go along the path of action/thriller/horror movies, as we were both very into this type of genre. Our main target audience would be males, due to the fact that majority of males prefer these genres compared to romance movies. We then proceeded to look at examples online, to gather ideas and inspiration to create our own thriller/ action. YouTube- AS A grade movies. Looking around on the Internet we came across various movie openings made by various other students around the world, and grasped a better understanding of what it was that we are meant to do. Analysing the openings we also were able to achieve/brainstorm most of what we plan to do for our own movie. Possible fighting Stranded in a desert First option as we live in a sand filled country Seeking help Running away from something/someone On the weekend I went to the cinema to wat...