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Production overview:
Our Production Overview is to create a brand new Fiction/Drama/Action. The main message is coming from the bullies perspective and how some people deal with it on a daily basis. Our main Target Audience will teen in middle school and high school students, as they will be the most likely to relate to this topic. Our Opening will be between 1 to 2 minutes long so that the titles aren’t too short and too long. The opening scene will be used for educational purposes possible to show the other side of the story before people jump to conclusions.

Production objectives:
One of our production objectives is to make people view bullying from another perspective. Our second objective is to show that no one is alone and to also show there is always a reason behind someone’s actions.

Creative concept:
Our creative concept is to show the perspective of the bully and to look through the eyes of a bully. We are trying to challenge the conventions of bullying and show the viewer a different perspective. Typical movies on this subject are comedies. For example, we researched “Cyberbully” 2011 which overtones of humour.
Our target audience is predominantly teens and the objective of our film is to show you are not alone. Therefore, ultimately challenging the social issues. We are going to focus on emotional and physical bullying which again seems to be forgotten as we live in a virtual society.

We decided to challenge this typical humour and focus on a sombre and intense mood, which is also informative. After researching “Bully” 2011.

we realized that this awareness is now required in 2017. There seems to be a gap in knowledge and we wanted to make our audience more aware. This is due to the age of technology and it is slowly consuming our lives as a whole, thus leading to cyber bully and all sorts of bullying. online it is seen to be 'funny' to mock someones actions, this also takes part in adult life, also known as sexual harassment. This is worse than bullying and drives people towards hate. Despite 
“Bully” using actors who were subjected to bullying we wanted to show recreate the hard hitting feeling. 
Bullying is resulting in suicide is modern day society.


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