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CQ 1:How do your product use or challenge conventions? Our production most definitely challenges conventions. Reason behind this is, we have made our opening scene so that it is going against mainstream movies. We did this by portraying bullying through the protagonists point of view. We noticed various movies were showing it through the victims eye, but there is always two sides to a story. 2:How does your product represent social groups or issues? Our product represent bullying in social groups, for example the final scene of our opening is 'Drew' is complaining about Billy to his two best friends. And what makes it worse is his friends indirectly urge him on to do something drastic. This represents a very dangerous group of friends. 3:How does your product engage with audiences? The product engages with certain types of audiences deeply and other not so much. Those who feel it deeply have most likely been a victim to some type of bullying, or have ...


As we are unable to upload the Opening on the blog, I have uploaded it to my youtube channel. The following link should redirect you to the video.

Favourite Scene

Favourite Scene Out of all the scenes in the opening I must say my favourite was most when the blue book was shut. Reason behind this, is because of how sharp the footage was in these clips and how well I managed to stitch them together without having bumps and jumps. This took a fair amount of effort and tries, to get the timing/framing correct. If it was one frame too much or too little it would seem wrong and not fit well at all so editing like this take time and cannot be rushed through. Overtime it gets quicker as you would become more familiar with the program and editing would then become second nature too. The book shutting also signifies rage as the book is not shut with care, but in fact quite abrupt. Thus, portraying anger. We then learn that the student did not do so well in his ‘exam’. And so every minute detail can add so much clarity to a single scene. This scene was not scripted for AJ to slam the book yet AJ played it so much better, and so being part of the c...


Behind The Scenes of the original planning  Our original plan   Asking other students what they think should happen and if it works(interacting with the audience) Story Board

Film Review on Spite

Film review on SPITE (Editors Point of View) This movie was aimed towards children that don’t understand what drives some bullies to behave in the manner they do so. The opening scene in our movie was created particularly this way to illustrate the reasons of why some children behave the way they do. Upon completion of my first edits done by myself of the opening scene, I watched it again for evaluation and found some errors.  For example; brightness-some scenes were thought to be too bright, and so I darkened them and applied blue like filters to them.  This edit was made to ensure that particular scenes don’t get drowned out with light, thus adding the effect of cold\hurting. Having evaluated the movie, I felt AJ’s acting was somewhat good, however he needed to put more effort in his acting as a bully in order to come across as a harder bully.  However, his efforts were acceptable for someone that has never acted before, and due to limited time, it wa...


To make the film opening I had to take all the clip Nabil and videoed, and Issa directed. I stitch them together in 2 different programs. I went home and used a Desktop Compute to used Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 to stitch and cut together the correct scenes and chop away any unwanted scenes and sounds. There were many shots taken for each scene and I had to go through each one and evaluate them, best to worst. This was a long process as they were quite equal.  My desktop came in very handy as it was able to handle hardcore processing with ease. Reason behind this was having 16GB of RAM running at 3000Mhz and a GTX 1050Ti to run the images. So it managed to render the entire video in less than 30 seconds, partially because the file was only going to be around a 90 seconds. Once each of the best scenes were selected and stitched together I went through colour grading them and making them fit the theme. This was so they wouldn’t look to bright. Using custom LUT's to do this ...


Proposal Production overview: Our Production Overview is to create a brand new Fiction/Drama/Action. The main message is coming from the bullies perspective and how some people deal with it on a daily basis. Our main Target Audience will teen in middle school and high school students, as they will be the most likely to relate to this topic. Our Opening will be between 1 to 2 minutes long so that the titles aren’t too short and too long. The opening scene will be used for educational purposes possible to show the other side of the story before people jump to conclusions. Production objectives: One of our production objectives is to make people view bullying from another perspective. Our second objective is to show that no one is alone and to also show there is always a reason behind someone’s actions. Creative concept: Our creative concept is to show the perspective of the bully and to look through the eyes of a bully. We are trying to challenge the conventions of bul...

Studying Zack King

As I am going to be editing the opening scene for our project, I decided to study up Zack King, in order to grasp a better understanding of editing. This was because I found his editing to be a very soft, and not at all abrupt. the way he clicks his fingers and 'teleport's' to another place is quite fascinating, because it all done within a split second. This mad me wonder how he did it and so I learnt that he edits frame by frame, so that the change is smooth yet quick. So I went away and decided to edit around 15 seconds of a music video, frame by frame. This took quite a while as editing frame by frame is very tedious, and time consuming, but as I got the hang of it, I began to edit much faster and efficiently. Editing the way I did, I was able to achieve a glow around the singer making his stand out more and, quite a lot of the glow was made to fit the music and the dance moves. So as he swings his arm to the right of the screen, I add blue lines ejecting from h...


QUESTIONS 1.      The BBC closed its online shop this march and no longer directly sell DVD’s or CD’s. What do they sell instead and what is the rationale behind this decision. 2.      How were films released prior to digital distribution? Explain the advantages of digital distribution. 3.      Find 2 recent films shot using film and two shot digitally. What are the pros and cons of each? 4.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital music release? ANSWERS 1.      Merchandise a.      They use their most viewed programs such as “Doctor Who”, “Sherlock Holmes ” and so on. Majority of these programs have such a great following, allowing them to sell merchandise to fans creating a higher revenue rather than selling DVD’s and CD’s. b.      These DVD’s can now be sold by ‘amazon’ and at a lower rate. 2.   ...


FOCUS GROUP WORK             Working with Nabil We decided to go along the path of action/thriller/horror movies, as we were both very into this type of genre. Our main target audience would be males, due to the fact that majority of males prefer these genres compared to romance movies. We then proceeded to look at examples online, to gather ideas and inspiration to create our own thriller/ action. YouTube- AS A grade movies. Looking around on the Internet we came across various movie openings made by various other students around the world, and grasped a better understanding of what it was that we are meant to do. Analysing the openings we also were able to achieve/brainstorm most of what we plan to do for our own movie. Possible fighting Stranded in a desert First option as we live in a sand filled country Seeking help Running away from something/someone On the weekend I went to the cinema to wat...